i would love it if on feature release you can include a header with burger menu for desktop devices. FE on the left: burger menu that on toggle opens offcanvas or dropdown as megamenu, on the center: logo and right: search and toggle dark mode icons.
i would love it if on feature release you can include a header with burger menu for desktop devices. FE on the left: burger menu that on toggle opens offcanvas or dropdown as megamenu, on the center: logo and right: search and toggle dark mode icons.
Kind regads
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your suggestion with us. We will forward your proposal to our development team for consideration.
However, the theme includes a new feature for creating popup templates. You may find this feature helpful for your needs. Please refer to the following link for more information: https://help.themeruby.com/foxiz/how-to-create-and-use-custom-popups-with-foxiz-popup-template/.
Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
Best regards,